Ok, so I decided to start a blog! Easy Peasy Right?
Noooooo, not really, not for this technical challenged one! Most things I’d read about blogging made it sound so easy to set up, (all you have to do is this or that and it’s done etc) not so for me. If it wasn’t for the Bluehost tutorials and all the other blogs I follow, I still wouldn’t know anything.
Two weeks ago I started setting up Woofalicious Tales, thanks to Abbey Lawson from Just a Girl and Her Blog, and her 7 Day Challenge!!! I still don’t know whether to hug her or scream at her (nicely of course) lol.
I was all excited about how I was going to get to type about what I talk about all day every day, DOG! What I discovered was that not only do you have to set up the blog page but you have to actually write blog posts AND manage to take decent photos!!! What was I thinking??
While I’m confident in talking about dogs, I found when it came down to actually putting pencil to paper (yes I’m totally old school and write everything down first and yes with a pencil), I got all shy.
I kept worrying (this year is the year I try to tone down the worrying) about what people would think about what I was going to write. The funny thing is though, I’m not usually one to worry about what others think (mostly)! I mean in saying that I’m also not going to go to the shops in my pj’s either!
Then reality hit me, and I started laughing! I thought ‘who am I kidding, no-one is reading my blog right now’ so I needed to just write as if no-one is reading it, because they aren’t….
For now, that is my reality and if it helps me to gain confidence in my writing and who knows, a year from now I may look back and cringe at my learner posts and photos but hey, you have to start somewhere, right?
If anything, life has taught me to be more concerned about how I feel about what I’m doing. In all honesty starting a blog sounded exciting, now I’m finding it challenging, but in a good way, & hey, if I make some money along the way all good and well.
Now I’ve actually started the process it scares me and excites me, I came to the conclusion that I would do this and see where this journey takes me.
I was wondering if anyone else out there has gotten shy about something they are usually confident about? How did you overcome it?
(Yes I’m still asking questions to no-one in particular, right now, because I know I’m not the only one)
If only dogs could respond!!
Are you asking yourself What is a Blog and Should I do it? I’ll…
11 March 2016
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