I remember when I was a kid, both my father and my Poppa (dad’s dad) had immaculate Lawns.
You could confidently run across their front or back lawn and know you would not get one bindii in your foot!
It was bliss.
They instilled that in me, so I make sure our lawns are the same.
In Spring/Summer when bindiis start to rear their spiky heads, I’m there weeding them out!!
You can buy weed killer but because I have so many dogs coming to my Dog Salon I don’t like using chemicals.
I not only do this so the dogs visiting don’t get bindiis I do it for us and for Billy as well.
You want to confidently walk around in Spring/Summer without shoes on knowing you’re not going to get this little spiky thing stabbing into your foot.
Same for the dogs, they can get them in their feet as well and it does hurt.
According to the Yates website –
Bindii – also called Jo-Jo Weed or Onehunga – is a low-growing, spreading weed.
Fern-like leaves (similar to carrot leaves) are attached to stems which grow from the centre in a rosette form.
Plants generally grow 4 cm in diameter and are covered in fine hairs.
Flowers are very small (3 mm) and are a greenish-yellow. Seeds are light-brown, flattened and winged seeds with one especially long spine on the end – capable of piercing the skin.
And they bloody hurt.
You generally find bindiis in your lawn.
They can be transferred from shoes, clothing, on animals including pets, vehicles and tools such as lawn mowers.
They can also be carried and brought in by water.
And they do hurt when you tread on them with bare feet.
Including your dog’s feet.
Usually your dog will start lifting up the foot that has a bindii (or more than one) in it.
Or sometimes your dog just may stop where they are because they could potentially have bindiis in all feet.
When Billy gets a bindii in his foot he’ll lift it up slightly then stop and look at us as if to say, ‘Ouch, I’m not moving until you do something about this thing that’s stuck in my foot!’
Tend to the foot they are holding up.
Have a look and pull out any bindiis you see.
Carefully looking in between their paw pads to make sure none have gotten in there.
If your dog has bindiis in more than one foot, do each foot at a time.
If your dog is small enough, pick them up and let someone else take the bindiis out.
They can be painful if left in your dog’s foot, as each time they walk on that paw the bindii digs into their foot.
Same with us.
Make sure there are no bindiis in your lawn.
How to do this is on the Yates website!
Or you can pull the weeds out of your lawn yourself, as I do!
It’s best to get on top of them as they first start to appear. Otherwise they may take over and become too hard to manage without using chemicals.
While you’re out walking your dog, try to avoid any grass areas that look like they may contain bindiis.
In Spring and Summer, Bindiis are about!
When you or your dog treads on them with bare feet they dig in and hurt.
Avoid them by making sure you weed them out of your lawn!
While out walking your dog avoid any grassy areas that look like they are covered in bindiis!
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