Should I Buy A Dog For Christmas?

Hey Woofa’s,

Did you know there are only 7 Friday’s left before Christmas????  I know, RIGHT!!

I actually had to go and double check this myself!!

It’s the time of year that sends us into a Tizzy if we’re not organised.  We can spend hours and hours wandering around the shops having bought nothing because we don’t know what to get anyone.

Or we are the last minute shopper who shops better on Christmas Eve under pressure?

I’m a list maker!!  Yes one of ‘those’ people who have a list in their phone of people and pets who they buy for.  Then beside that list are gift ideas, so when I’m out at the shops and I see said gift idea I buy it.

This gives me the satisfaction that no-one is missed and there’s not a massive debt by Christmas Day.  It also gives me the delusion that I’ve got it all under control!!! LOL!



Well it’s also the time of year where people tend to impulse buy!!  And this impulse buy is usually a cute little puppy dog that they can’t resist.

OR the kids have been whinging and whining about how much they want Santa to bring them a puppy dog!  The kids practically pledge their lives to this puppy and yes they’ll do everything for it etc etc

So Christmas seems the perfect time to buy a dog!!!


BECAUSE guaranteed the first few months AFTER Christmas is when that said impulse buy gets dumped!!!

BEFORE you purchase that cute little puppy I’d like you to go through the check list below.

People don’t realise that the puppy grows up and requires work and responsibility.

The kids may promise their lives to the dog but kids are impulsive and they lose interest.  Yes they love the dog but they don’t want the chores that go with owning a dog!

How do I know this?  If I had a dollar for every customer who told me they are now looking after the dog because the kids won’t.  I’d be a millionaire!

And that’s kids of ALL ages from young to adult.  Their lives change and they’ve no longer got time for the dog.

A dog is a 10-15 year commitment, if you’re lucky to have them for that long.

So before a dog is bought on a whim, I want you to run through this check-list too see if you and your family are really ready for a dog.

If you’re already a dog owner, I want you to become the voice for these dogs and let other’s know not to buy a dog on a whim.




NOT – 

  • if you have no time to spend with the dog;
  • if you have no patience or tolerance;
  • if your home is not equipped for a dog;
  • if your kids are begging and promising they’ll look after it;
  • if you are buying the dog for someone who has never owned a dog before;
  • if you or others are allergic to the dog;
  • if you’re not willing to have the supposed ‘no shedding’ dog groomed regularly;
  • if you can’t afford one;
  • if you’re just buying it because it’s cute;
  • if you don’t like taking the dog out for walks and socialising;
  • if you travel a lot and always leave the dog behind;
  • if you’re going to stick it in a backyard/apartment and ignore it;
  • if you can’t accept the dog as part of the family;
  • if you can’t handle the commitment of having the dog for 10-15 years of it’s life;
  • if you can’t handle the fact that YOU will be that dog’s whole life!  Everything that dog needs to survive comes from YOU;
  • if you’re buying the dog to get in someone’s good books;
  • if you can’t recognise that the dog has feelings and emotions;
  • if you don’t realise that the cute puppy will grow into an adult dog;
  • if you saw the dog in a movie and now want one the same;
  • if you think every dog comes already trained;
  • if you haven’t spoken honestly to multiple dog owners about owning a dog;
  • if you haven’t looked up Dog Shaming!  Dogs do naughty stuff and it’s funny when it happens to others but can you handle it if your dog did that to you;
  • if you think when it gets too hard you can just go dump the dog, or give it away (at any age).


YES – 

  • if the person you are buying it for has owned a dog before;
  • if you really know what it means to have a dog in your life;
  • if you’ve never owned a dog before but have done a lot of research and asked a lot of dog owners what it’s really like to own a dog, and you are ready;
  • if the above list doesn’t scare you.



  • Go hang out at your local dog park & talk (openly & honestly) to different dog owners, small, medium, large;
  • ask the dog owners for the good, the bad and the ugly of owning a dog;
  • hang out with friends/family who have dogs.  How are you around the dogs, how do the dogs respond to you;
  • can you handle the dog hair/mess;
  • go and volunteer at your local dog shelter, or just visit there and really see how many dogs get dumped because people treat them like they’re disposable.


Dogs give unconditional love and loyalty!   They deserve that and so much more in return.

To treat them like they are ‘just dumb animals’ is atrocious!!!!

You as a dog owner you get that.  BUT unfortunately some people don’t get it and they need to be educated.

It’s up to us dog owners to be open and honest about owning a dog and to share that with others.



No-one should buy a dog on a whim AT ANY TIME!

Dogs have emotions and feelings and deserve to be respected.

If you don’t have the time or 10-15 year commitment to give to a dog, DON’T GET ONE!

Understand that YOU are the DOG’S WHOLE WORLD.

If you do want to buy a dog and you’ve never had one, DO THOROUGH RESEARCH.

Visit your local Dog Shelter and speak to the workers there about dumped dogs.

Every dog deserves a loving family.





Signature of Janine and Billy at Woofalicious Tales


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