Hey Woofa’s, We all know that Christmas Day falls on the 25th December every year, am I right? But every year I get people ringing around days before Christmas trying to get their dog in for grooming. It’s not just me, speaking to many other Groomers world wide…
Hey Woofa’s, Can you believe it’s almost Halloween time? In Australia you’ll get some people who are right into Halloween and those who can’t be bothered!!!! The rule here is, if the front of your house is decorated it’s okay to Trick or Treat, but…
Hey Woofa’s, My Dad has been in hospital for 6.5 weeks now!! He had a bad fall and fractured his neck (c2) and some ribs!! While he was in hospital they found he also had pneumonia and blood clots on his lungs! So he spent about a week…
Hey Woofa’s Today 26th August, is International Dog Day. What does that mean? International Dog Day is celebrated to honor the unique bond between humans and dogs. And is also to bring attention to the needs and well-being of dogs across the globe. This day is a reminder…
Hey Woofa’s, I’ve had a very trying 5 weeks with my family recently. My 78 year old father tripped and took a bad fall, he pretty much crash tackled the wall making a hole in the gyprock!!! And being as stubborn as what he is it took him…
Hey Woofa’s, What I mean by this is – we’ve had a lot of rain lately where I live! And I’ve noticed little mushrooms growing in our lawn both out the front and the backyard! This concerns me because not only for Billy but also my customer’s…
Hey Woofa’s, I know, I know, we’re not even officially in Winter yet and it’s already been cold. I don’t do the best in cold weather, it’s not my favourite type of weather. However, if it’s cold outside, I don’t mind being all…
Hey Woofa’s, This is a topic close to my heart! I really find it arrogant behaviour when people have their dogs off lead in a non-off lead area. Why? Because their dog might be all happy and running around, but there are other dogs that are walking on…
Hey Woofa’s, HAPPY DOG MOTHER’S DAY TO YOU! Yes it’s Mother’s Day here in Oz – yay. A day to celebrate Mums. But not just Mums of the two legged kids! What about all the Mums with the four legged kids? I don’t have two legged…
Hey Woofa’s, We all love a puppy right? What is asked of me a lot in my Dog Grooming Career is – When should I get my puppy groomed? There seems to be a lot of misconception around when this should be. Some breeders recommend not for 12 months!!!!! There…