Firstly, I’m not a foodie (person passionate about food), all these cooking shows that constantly turn up on TV I’m really not interested, if it’s not being made for me to eat then I don’t want to know how it’s made, to me that stuff is boring. I do know how to cook (nothing too fancy though) but I don’t have a love for cooking (which is why this isn’t a cooking blog)!! However, one of my dear friends LOVES cooking, she talks about cooking like I talk about dogs, but I glaze over when she talks details of how she’s going to make something and sometimes I just think, geez that’s a lot of effort for something that’s going to take all of 5 minutes to eat. I do like food but making it is really not a passion of mine, AT ALL. I guess it doesn’t help either when you’re cooking for 1, I just want to get in, cook whatever I want to eat and get out, no dilly dallying around glazing this or sprucing that, I really don’t have it in me.
So when I tell my friend about how I prepare Billy’s food she laughs at me and says, you put more effort into making your dog’s meals than you do your own, and she’s right. This is how I confirm yet again that I have a undying passion for dogs.
I don’t know about anyone else but when at the supermarket I ALWAYS wish Billy was with me and could tell me what he would like to eat, or just walk up and pick what he wanted and put it in the trolley. I agonise over what to buy, will he like it, what if he doesn’t etc, I just can’t feed him the same thing week after week, it feels wrong and ever so boring.
I’m not a canned food person either to me, personally, it’s the equivalent of feeding your dog takeaway every night, don’t get me wrong I’m not picking on anybody who does feed their dog canned food, I use to feed it to mine 2 times per week, but for me it just doesn’t feel nutritional enough anymore, if it ever was.
I’m more aware of what’s going into his food when I make it at home, I know the exact ingredients going in and how nutritional it is for him. I usually make a big batch of his main meal and put it in snap lock bags and freeze it so it stays fresh.
I’m always discussing with customers that come into the Salon about what they feed their dogs, what I feel Billy and why etc, so I thought I’d share this as another aspect of Woofalicious Tales.
This is what Billy’s Recipes are all about, I’m going to make meals and treats for him and have him grade them by his interest (how fast he eats it) in whichever meal it is. I’ll add nutritional value and if you’re interested enough you can try them out on your dog/s and see if they enjoy them as well and let me know what grading they give. 1 paw = not so good and 10 paws = awesome.
I’d also love to hear about what food your fur baby loves, are they fussy eaters, are they easily pleased, do they have funny/quirky eating habits, do share with us.
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