National Love Your Pets Day 2025!

Hey Woofa’s,

Happy National Love Your Pet Day!!

I mean as if we don’t love them enough already – RIGHT?

As I sit here typing this blog post Billy is on the floor right behind my chair sleeping!

He’s so close I don’t think I can move my chair.

He does have a bed in this room but he’s chosen to lay right behind my chair. Such loyalty.

They give us such unconditional love, how can we not love them back?



February 20th has been the day chosen as the national day designed for pampering your pet with extra love.

Because, don’t they deserve it?

We have Valentine’s Day on 14th February, why not use February 20 to show our pets how much we appreciate their unconditional love.

It doesn’t matter what your Pet is, just pour more love on them today.

I can’t seem to find HOW this day actually began, however the national day appears to have been celebrated widely since the early 2000s.


According to the WorldoMeter website – The current population of Australia is 26,603,090 as of Saturday, February 17, 2024, based on Worldometer elaboration of the latest United Nations data.

Now according to the RSPCA website – there are currently an estimated 28.7 million pets in Australia.

If you do the math, there’s more pets than people in Australia!!!

Aussies have one of the highest pet ownership rates in the world.

Approximately 69% of households in Australia own pets, with dogs being the most common (48%), followed by cats (33%).

85% of owners say their pets have positively impacted their lives.

Many pet owners have adopted ‘pet parenting’ behaviours that resemble parent-child relationships – for example, speaking to their pets as though the pet understands what they are saying, and referring to themselves as the pet’s parent. Dean and I definitely do this.

Common benefits of pet ownership described by pet owners include:

Relational benefits (love, affection and companionship);
Improvement of mental health and well-being;
Socialisation benefits (e.g., connection to the community and opportunities for human interaction in person or online);
Improvement of physical health.

The reasons for getting pets differs by species but common reasons include companionship, relaxation and mental health and to rescue the animal.

Australian households are estimated to have spent over $33 billion on pet services and products in 2022!

Food represents 51% of all expenditure, followed by veterinary service at 14%.

Dog owners spent the most, with an estimated average of $3218 spent per animal each year.

Cat owners spend an estimated average of $1715 per animal each year.


Even if you have to work today there are ways you can add some extra love to your pet this National Love Your Pet Day!

  • Play their favourite game. Whatever your pet is, surely you know their favourite game! Billy’s is making us chase him around the house with his ball in his mouth and us trying to get it off him. He thinks this is wonderful.
  • Take your Pet out for the day (if it’s safe). If your dog loves the dog park, take a trip either before or after work and give them a good run around and play with other dogs.
  • Take your Dog to a Dog friendly beach/watering hole. If your dog loves the beach, again take a trip to the beach. We’re still in daylight savings so this can be done after work.
  • Buy your Dog a new toy. I know you can still take your dogs to Bunnings, if your pet is social take them to pick out their favourite toy. And then make sure you spend time playing with them.
  • Buy your Dog their favourite food and/or treat. We get Billy dog friendly chocolate drops from Pet Barn or Pet Stock, he loves them.
  • Take heaps of fun selfies/pics of your pet. My phone is full of dog pics, not only of Billy but many of my Dog Grooming customer’s dogs.
  • Take your pet on a picnic. If you can get out for the day and take your pet with you. Have some food along the way and enjoy yourselves. Or if you’re restricted for time have a bbq or picnic in the backyard or on your balcony.
  • Take your pet out for breakfast/lunch/dinner – if your pet is friendly take them out for a special meal at a Pet friendly cafe.
  • Set up a play date. If your dog has a favourite person or other dog, set them up on a doggy date.
  • Make them their favourite treat. If you’re into cooking there’s doggy cake mixes at pet stores these days, you can make your dog a cake or some biscuits etc.
  • Buy them a raw bone from the butcher, whatever they like.
  • Time. Give your pet extra one on one time. Hang out with them, watch a movie with them, have a nanna nap with them, just give them your undivided attention.
  • Don’t have a pet? that’s fine if you still love pets and want to share in the day, go hang at a dog park, or hang with someone who does have a pet. If you’re truly ready maybe you might look at adopting a pet??

You get the idea, there’s plenty of ways you can pour some extra love onto your pet.



Today 20th February 2024 is National Love Your Pet Day.

So spend the day pouring extra love onto your Pet.



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