Love Is All Around Everyday!

Hey Woofa’s,


I didn’t do a ‘Valentine’s Day’ post this year because I think there’s too much focus on just one day.

I think the world needs a lot of love every day, not on just some commercialized day.

Whether you live by yourself, with your dog or with your family –  We need to start to spread the love at home.

What we really need to focus on is the love for ourselves, our pets and our planet.

If we spend time working on loving ourselves and our pets then we can come from love when interacting with other people and the planet.

Some of us have a lot of negative self talk going on in our head – things we say to ourselves we would never say to our best friend or our dog.

So why is it okay to say it to ourselves?

What’s this got to do with dogs?

Dogs have, and give freely, unconditional love!  We can learn from them how to do this for ourselves, others and our planet – EVERYDAY!




Because it doesn’t cost anything.

It doesn’t cost anything to be kind to ourselves, to others, to those around us, to our planet and especially to our dogs.

If you don’t want to love on others start by learning to love yourself.

And of course love on your dog.

It’s so easy to switch to bitching and moaning about everything whether it’s big or small………..the negative way seems to be the easier way.

It seems to be the way we’re programmed these days, focus on the negative, stay in a state of anxious fear based energy.

To turn this around try to start each day with love in your heart!

If your dog is the first one you see upon opening your eyes, focus on the love you have for your dog.

See yourself from loving eyes, see your pet from loving eyes (this is the easiest to do), and then see the planet from loving eyes.

If we see things from loving eyes then we’ll act from a loving place.

The best thing is it costs nothing.

In a world where we’re constantly buying stuff and more stuff because advertising tells us we need it………………..try to come from love because it’s FREE!

Love is also a peaceful place to come from because there’s little to no fear there.

If you feel you have no-one to love you – love yourself!

And I can guarantee that your dog loves you and sees you for who you really are – love and beauty.

Love your dog, love the planet, love on what you already have……………………depending on what or who you believe in bask in the love of your creator.



  1. Start saying nice things to yourself and about yourself – your inner voice and outer voice;
  2. treat yourself to some free time doing what you love;
  3. spend time with your dog doing what you both love;
  4. take a walk in nature;
  5. take a  walk along a beach;
  6. walk amongst books;
  7. walk amongst whatever it is you love;
  8. cook something if that’s your thing;
  9. stop and enjoy the environment around you;
  10. enjoy the beauty of nature;
  11. go for a walk in a beautiful garden;
  12. do some charity work;
  13. read a book;
  14. do a guided meditation on self love;
  15. try seeing yourself from your pet’s eyes – they adore you;
  16. write down things you love about you;
  17. write down what you are grateful for;
  18. put your phone/device down and spend time out in nature;
  19. love on your family, friends, pets and the planet;
  20. one small step at a time spread love, come from love and know you are loved.


I hope this helps get you started on focusing on loving you, loving your pet/family and loving your planet.

Love is all around and it doesn’t just have to be on ONE day, it can be everyday.



Let’s focus on spreading love EVERYDAY!

Love is free – it doesn’t cost anything!

We don’t need to buy things to spread love.

Love comes from the heart.

So Love on yourself, your pets, your family and your planet EVERYDAY!






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