I’m starting a series of Interviews with Dog Owners. I want to give you first hand experiences about owning specific breeds, or dogs with special needs etc.
What better way to understand than to get it straight from the owner?
Noodie & His Cushings Diagnosis!
I approached my bestie who owns Diesel and she was more than willing to answer these questions about her 2.5 year old baby Diesel (The American Staffy).
1. What did you consider (i.e pros and cons) when deciding to get a dog?
We had to really think about getting a dog as our daughter had a phobia and was extremely scared of all dogs. We wanted to get her over her fear, and the rest of the family are all dog lovers. Our friends had puppies, so we took her over to meet them the day after they were born. We kept taking her back and by the time they were old enough to be adopted, she wanted to take one home. After that there were no cons lol.
2. How did you go about choosing an American Staffy?
Staffies have always been one of our favourite dogs (my other fave are pugs). Our friends 2 American Staffies had pups and we couldn’t resist taking one (after our daughter was over her fear of course). They are so protective of the kids.
3. Who named Diesel?
Me. I came up with the name and everyone agreed. His middle name is Scooby Doo, which the kids picked of course.
4. You have two daughters, did you have any concerns about them when deciding to get a dog?
As I said above, our biggest concern was our eldest daughters fear of dogs. We didn’t want to force one on her and then be too scared to go outside and play. As it turned out she loves him. I had no concern regarding the breed of dog as they are great with kids. He is extremely gentle with the girls and follows them everywhere.
5. Where did you get Diesel from?
We got Diesel from friends.
6. Was he destructive as a puppy? What did he get up to?
Yes he was pretty destructive but didn’t wreck too many things. His bed just happened to explode one day. Thongs go missing if you leave them outside. You just have to make sure he always has something to chew on.
7. How did the girls react to getting Diesel?
It was love at first sight for our youngest daughter. They are still inseparable. Our eldest was a little unsure to start with, but absolutely loves him now.
8. What is the girls relationship with Diesel like?
Best friends. They are always together.
9. Is he an inside or outside dog?
Both! He likes to spend time with us snuggling inside. We have a big backyard which Diesel loves running around in.
10. What happens with Diesel when you guys go on holidays?
Luckily we have a next door neighbour who adores him. He goes on holidays to their place.
11. Who walks Diesel and roughly how often?
We all take him but he gets really excited and pulls on the harness, so only their Dad can hold the lead. We try to take him a few times a week. Thankfully we have a big yard he can run around in when we can’t take him for a walk.
12. Is he a high energy dog?
He can be high energy. He loves chasing the ball and playing tug o war. He is also sleeps a lot through the day. He gets super excited when the girls come home from school and starts doing laps of the house a million miles an hour.
13. Who does Diesel see as leader of the pack?
Dad is definitely the leader of the pack. I feed him though so he knows I am too. We also get the girls to feed him and make him sit etc so he knows we are all his leader.
14. Has Diesel been around any other dogs? How did that go?
Yes we take him to play with our friends 2 bulldogs. He loves being social. He has also been to see his mum and dad a few times. He gets a bit too excited. He has never been aggressive.
15. What food do you feed Diesel?
We feed him lots of different meat, chicken, lamb, kangaroo. His fave is kangaroo. I also mix in vegies, rice or pasta and add a cup of dry biscuits.
16. Roughly how much does it cost to feed him?
Approximately $30 a week. I buy a heap of stuff and split it all up so he gets a nice variety of food.
17. Roughly how big is Diesel?
I’d say he is medium size dog. Lots of people tell us he is big though. He isn’t 2 yet though, so he is still filling out.
18. How is Diesel when you have people over? Out the back and with other kids?
Diesel thinks everyone that comes over is there to play with him. He can get really excited and jump a bit when people first arrive, but he calms down after a little while. He is a big sook and just wants attention. He is very gentle with kids.
19. What funny things does Diesel do?
Diesel does lots of funny things. He lays on his back in crazy positions. He takes the girls toys and makes them chase him, so that they have to play with him. Diesel sits in the blinds and looks out the window. He lays on our clothes so we can’t get dressed and leave him. He also loves to bark and growl at us if we are not paying enough attention to him.
20. Have you ever been concerned about Diesel’s behaviour with anyone, other dogs or the kids?
No we have never had any concerns. He is always a happy friendly dog.
21. Who does all the chores regarding Diesel, i.e feeding him, cleaning up after him etc
I usually feed him but the girls do occasionally too. My husband usually washes him and cleans up the yard.
22. Have you ever considered taking Diesel away on holidays with you?
We would love to eventually. He is a bit too crazy and excitable at the moment.
23. What’s Diesel’s favourite thing to do?
Play fetch or tug o war. And chew, he loves to chew. He also loves to chase birds.
24. With the stigma of ‘staffies’ and them being aggressive, how have you found Diesel?
Diesel has never been aggressive. Not towards people or other animals. He growls and is protective when strangers come to the door. Other than that he is a big sook.
25. Do you have anything else to share regarding the American Staffy Breed?
American Staffies can look scary, but they are big softies. They love cuddles and attention and are very loyal. Great family dogs.
26. Would you recommend the American Staffy as a dog?
Absolutely!! They are great family dogs and love children!
27. Is Diesel a sook?
Yes! He is a huge sook. He tries to sit in my lap, even though he doesn’t fit.
28. Does Diesel have any skin conditions or medical issues etc?
He gets hives a lot from playing in the garden and sniffing insects. No medical issues so far.
29. Did you do any training with Diesel, if so did you do it yourselves or go through a company?
We trained him ourselves.
30. Tell us about how excited he was when you guys got home from holidays???? What did he do???
We went camping for two weeks and Diesel was staying next door. When he heard our car pull up he started howling. He then broke through the fence palings to get to us. He was extremely excited.
Thanks for your honesty.
What did you think of that interview? Do you have an American Staffy? What do you love about your American Staffy? Do you have anything else to share?
PS – I’m not deluded I do know that some dogs are aggressive and dangerous (because of the way they have been treated by feral humans), HOWEVER I’m trying to stop the stigma that all Staffies are dangerous.
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05 March 2018
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