I can’t ignore it any longer Winter is almost here. : ( This weekend the temperatures have dropped (for Australia) and I’m not happy.
As I type this it’s 7 degrees outside, its raining and the wind is howling. Billy is curled up in his ‘computer room bed’ with a nice warm blanket over him. I’ve declared a pajama day!!
Every year I try and psych myself into accepting Winter but it doesn’t work. It’s inevitable the only thing I can do is change my reaction to it. But as soon as that cold wind hits me or the air is so cold you feel like you could cut it……..it just makes me want to hide under my blankets and stay there til it’s warm again.
I believe, in a previous life I must’ve been either a Reptile or a Bear. Any animal that hibernates during the cold months and then reappears in the warmer months is definitely my kindred spirit.
People are always saying, ‘oh I love Winter, you can always warm up with an extra layer’! My response to that is, NOT WHEN YOU’VE ALREADY GOT 6 LAYERS ON AND YOU’RE STILL COLD!
The cold right through to my bones! I feel like my blood reacts to the outside temperature and I’m left to deal with it lol.
When it’s cold outside, there’s nothing better than being inside by a log fire in your pj’s with a hot chocolate all snuggly with your family and fur babies close by. Now that’s what I’m talking about!!!
If I could spend every day of Winter like that I’d be a happy girl.
Billy is a snuggle bunny as well, if you’re sitting on the lounge he comes up and sits on you or beside you with part of himself on you. If you have a blanket he snuggles in and moves his head as if to go under the blanket. When you lift it up he crawls under and settles in.
Dean says I’ve made him lazy, I say I’ve made him a snuggle bunny : )
So with Winter rearing it’s ugly head here are some ways to keep your fur baby happy and warm this winter.
Use common sense when it comes to harsh weather and your fur babies being outside.
Yes your dog’s natural hair will keep them warm but it doesn’t mean they don’t feel any cold at all.
If in doubt as to whether your dog is warm or not, feel their belly. I use to get the guilts leaving Billy and Isabel outside to sleep (just while Billy was in his chewing stage).
I would go out and find them snuggled together. I’d place my hand between them and their bellies were toasty as, and I knew together they would be fine.
What are your Winter Stories with your fur kids? Do you live somewhere where it snows? We’d love to hear your Winter Stories.
Are you a fan of Winter or hate it as much as I do?
Please Share your views in the comments below.
Billy and I would love to hear from you.
Hey Woofa’s, Winter is definitely here. Some days are a bit cooler than others…
25 May 2018Hey Woofa’s, This morning we woke to a 13 degree day with rain!!! Needless…
25 May 2018
Leah | 25th May 18
I hate it as much as you do, Janine. Our previous dogs were all outside dogs who had a pile of old blankets to snuggle into to keep warm, our wee Sir Gus though he’s an indoor dog. He loves the contact with his humans. He either sleeps in the laundry or on our Em’s bed with a doggie jacket on as soon as the weather turns cold!
jma074@optusnet.com.au | 2nd Jun 18
I agree Leah, all previous dogs I’ve had were outside dogs, Henry & Isabel were the first two to make their way inside. However, Billy is like Mr Gus loves being with his humans and snuggling in. Here’s to the count down to Spring…………..