With all of, Sydney, New South Wales in some form of lockdown right now, where are we turning to for shopping?
On-line shopping has skyrocketed since covid-19 lockdowns started!
I know Dean and I, who didn’t really shop too much on line, have turned to on-line shopping!
We can no longer go to the actual shops to buy what we need, besides groceries, so the only other option is – online!
Now have you thought about the process AFTER you’ve gone to checkout and paid?
Besides receiving a receipt for your purchase, what happens next? How does it arrive at your door?
That’s right, a Postal Service Person delivers it right to your door step.
We literally just had one arrive as I was typing this!!!!
What’s this got to do with dogs I hear you ask?
Well it appears some of our dogs aren’t too nice to our friendly Postal Service People a.k.a Posties.
We saw a story on one of our News Programs, A Current Affair, a few weeks ago. Our Posties need our help in making sure our dogs aren’t hindering their safety.
As you can see this is not a negative banning dogs type of story. Our posties just want to do their jobs and they want to be kept safe doing so.
Our Delivery Men and Women are just trying to do their jobs, it’s up to us as responsible dog owners to allow them to do it safely.
Our Aussie Posties (all Postal People and Food Delivery People) are finding it hard to do their jobs because of unruly dogs.
As responsible dog owners, it’s up to us to make sure they are safe from our dogs.
Set a good example and modify your dog’s behaviour when it comes to our Aussie Posties.
Hey Woofa’s, I follow quite a few dog pages on Facebook – as you do…
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17 August 2021
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