Happy New Year 2019!!!

Hey Woofa’s,

Well another year is close to being over….!

Who can believe how fast 2018 went?

Australia has been in a bit of a heatwave these last few weeks and if I’m honest I’m loving it.

I’m not a fan of being cold, I much prefer to be hot.  Well my prayers have been answered because we’ve had some lovely hot days.

Albeit right now we’re in the midst of a thunderstorm, so all the city dwellers will be getting pretty wet.  I’m sure they’ll welcome it after all the heat though.

We will be spending The New Year at home, as we have done for quite a few years now.

Sydney City does put on a fantastic fireworks show but it can become very overcrowded.

Definitely well worth going if you’ve never seen it though!!!!

While we are all celebrating, I can’t help but think of the animals that are frightened by Fireworks.  It breaks my heart some animals are anxiety ridden and scared while we’re all loving the display.

I’ve been very lucky with Henry, Isabel and now Billy, none of them have ever been scared of thunderstorms or fireworks (both of which we’ll have tonight).

However our next door neighbour’s dog Ellie, HATES storms and HATES fireworks, her comfort though is to run around the backyard barking at it until it stops.

We know this so it doesn’t bother us, we know why she’s doing it and it makes her feel better, so she’s safe.

My customer’s have dogs that are also scared, some find hiding places in wardrobes, under beds, on owners laps, on their beds etc.

Whatever helps your dog to feel better is best done.


Ideas if your dog is scared of fireworks!!


  1. Stay home with your dog if you can;
  2. Have someone else stay home with them if you can’t;
  3. Give them a safe place to go to if they need it;
  4. Let them run around barking if that makes them feel better;
  5. Try not to make too much of a deal out of the noise if they are unsure;
  6. Comfort them if they need it;
  7. Send them to someone who is staying home if you HAVE to be out while the fireworks are going off;
  8. If outside dogs, make sure the yard is secure and escape free;
  9. If inside dogs, make sure they can’t escape or get into anything they shouldn’t;
  10. There are calming sprays you could try, ( adaptil collars or adaptil spray) natural sprays as well etc;
  11. A calming tablet from your trusted vet may help, if previously discussed;
  12. Leave out plenty of water because your dog will probably pant a lot while scared.
  13. There are also calming vests you can get either on line or at your local pet store.


Most importantly you want to do whats best for your dog.

Keep them safe and secure so everyone can enjoy the night.

Anyway, whether you’re celebrating The New Year in your closest City, at home, or with family and friends, we would like to wish you a


Happy New Year for 2019!



Signature of Janine and Billy at Woofalicious Tales


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