Happy Valentine’s Day To You and Your Dog!
We’ve all been through so much in the last 2 and a bit years!
So I think this Valentine’s Day we ought to concentrate on self love!
There’s so much negativity being thrown at us through the media these days, it can all become quite overwhelming.
Knowing it’s happening all over the world emphasises that no matter where you go there’s no escaping it either.
But I think this year instead of focussing on what’s going on around us, it’s time to look at what’s going on within us!
Instead of being caught up in the commercialisation and pressure to perform on Valentines day – you know what I mean, the whole:
Let’s turn inwards and focus on our own self love!
Who is with me on this?
Let’s just say, focussing on yourself is not selfish!
It’s never selfish when you focus on your own well being.
How can you fill up someone else’s cup when yours is empty?
The idea here is that whatever it is that makes YOU feel love for YOU, do that!
Dogs know how to do this effortlessly!
We can learn a lot from dogs when it comes to unconditional love.
If dogs can love us unconditionally then why do we find it so hard to love ourselves?
I see this unconditional love in my customer’s dogs every day.
Especially in the excitement the dogs show when their human returns. It gives me such feels I even film it!
I say to my customers, that’s its like when Ellen or Oprah walk out on stage and everyone cheers!
Here is an animal that shows such excitement when they return and I’m sure your dog/s do it to you as well.
So why can’t we see ourselves through our dogs eyes?
Why can’t we celebrate who we are right now and what we’ve been through and overcome?
Our dogs clearly can see it, why can’t we?
Our dogs are our biggest cheerleaders they love us no matter what, let’s take a note out of their book and love ourselves first!
You know you have it in you, just do it!
Instead of feeling the pressure of Valentine’s Day to do something commercially this year, turn the love inwards and focus it on loving YOU!
Take some time out to find love in your heart for yourself.
Love the person your dog already loves unconditionally!
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