Yes it’s that time of year where everyone keeps going on about how close Christmas is and it’s annoying!!!!
Sticking your head in the sand and ignoring it, won’t make it go away though. Christmas is coming whether you want it or not!!!
We’re just trying to get as organised as we can so it doesn’t become that big headache everyone seems to think it is.
Well if you’re heading away, or have to travel to see family etc – Have you made plans for your dog??
AND yes you really need to start making arrangements NOW.
Before deciding on what to do with your dogs, there are some things you need to take into consideration first.
For Example – When we go away, my friend (who has her own dog and is a dog lover through and through) will come to our house and look after Billy for us. I trust her completely because she’d make the same decisions I would regarding Billy.
She visits with us all the time so he’s always happy to see her and he knows her.
She feeds him, plays with him and gives him company while we’re away. Each time we’ve come back Billy has no signs of having fretted for us or anything.
He’s also fine with thunderstorms and fireworks and he doesn’t get destructive when left for long periods of time.
HOWEVER, the idea of taking Billy out of his comfort area and putting him in any boarding kennel with people I don’t know, stresses me out. I’m sure Billy would hate it.
So the answer to the above questions for us is to leave him in his own safe environment and have someone who is trusted and reliable come in everyday and look after him. It helps that she’s only a 5 minute drive away too.
We haven’t really been anywhere yet where we can take Billy with us.
ALTHOUGH, Dean’s parents have a caravan down the South Coast and it’s a dog friendly park so we’ll keep you posted on that one.
My idea of sharing this with you is to get you thinking about what the best option is for you and your dogs, while you’re away.
These are just a few things to get you thinking about whether to take your dogs with your or not.
If you’re staying with family you need to be aware of some of these things and most importantly check with the family you’re staying with and work out if it would be a good idea whether to take your dogs to their place or not.
First and foremost you want to make sure your dogs are going to be cared for and are comfortable while you are away.
ALWAYS leave your itinerary and emergency numbers behind, as well as any numbers for the dogs i.e vet numbers, medications, another person in case they can’t reach you etc.
If you’re still not sure, have the person do a trial run over a weekend period.
ALWAYS leave your itinerary and emergency numbers behind, as well as any numbers for the dogs i.e vet numbers, medications, another person in case they can’t reach you etc.
It comes down to TRUST. If you’re thinking of leaving your fur kids with someone else, then ask the following: –
If you’re unsure of this, definitely have a trial. Take your dogs around to this persons place and stay there for a few hours just too see how it all goes.
And if it does work then, try it over night.
It’s definitely best to do trial runs, well before your departure date.
If you’re going away for Christmas, have you made plans for YOUR dogs?
Go through the check-lists and see what will work best for YOUR dogs.
Going away unprepared will cause you and your dogs unnecessary stress.
Everyone wants to have fun on holidays, make sure you’ve set it up so your dogs do too.
Hey Woofa’s, Christmas Time is here and plans are being made. Are you going…
09 November 2018Hey Woofa’s, Well this year has certainly been a strange one, hasn’t it…
09 November 2018
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