A few of my customers have booked in to get Santa pictures with their dogs.
We did it back in 2017, it was fun at the time and we can say we did it.
We probably won’t do it again, but you never never know!
Ultimately though, you’ve got to do what works best for you and your dog.
If you don’t want to get them done, then you don’t have to!
What you do have to take into consideration, before booking your dog in for Santa Pics, is your dog’s temperament and the environment Santa will be in.
If your dog is not good around other dogs and you still want to get Santa pics done, you don’t want to be standing in line alongside other dogs (and people)!
A ‘by appointment only’ set up would be much better in this instance, for you and your dog.
However, if your dog is good with other dogs then this set up will be fine.
These are just a few questions to get you thinking about the whole experience.
The most important thing is knowing your dog, knowing their behaviour, and keeping them as calm as possible.
You want yourself and your dog to have a fun experience, not to be putting them in a situation that is going to completely stress them out.
Also if you do decide to go ahead with it, read your dog’s body language and be aware if they get a bit stressed or anxious, remove them from the situation.
AND remember if you don’t want to get Doggy Santa pics then don’t.
If you don’t want to do the whole Santa pictures with your dog but you do want some Christmas shots with your dog – THEN you can do them yourself at home.
I take pictures of dogs in the salon with reindeer ears, or use treats to get them to sit by the Christmas Tree or just put a Christmas Teddy Bear beside them.
You can put Christmas outfits on your dog just for pictures, IF they are comfortable with that.
There are many ways to get Christmas pics of your dog, just make sure you read your dog’s body language.
Some dogs just don’t want all that crap going on.
Make sure everyone is having fun, and give your dog a reward afterwards for putting up with it all lol
There are also Christmas apps you can use as well.
You’ve got to really know your dog before booking them in for Santa Pics.
Check out different places and find one that suits your dog’s temperament.
Find out when, where and what kind of atmosphere your dog will be in before booking Santa Pics.
Read your dog’s body language while out.
Most important HAVE FUN. No-one wants a stressful experience.
Hey Woofa’s, Tis the season to be jolly falalalalaaaaaa lalalalalalalaaaaaaa…..! Oh come on, get…
18 December 2023
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