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Category: Grooming Tips

Malting Season & What It Means to Your Dog!

Hey Woofa’s, Yay Spring Time has finally begun in Australia, I love it!!! Although I can appreciate not everyone loves Spring because with it comes hay fever : ( Spring for our fur kids also means MALTING SEASON! If your dog’s malting hair isn’t taken care…

6 Ways to Avoid Matting This Winter!

Hey Woofa’s, It’s no secret that I’m not a fan of Winter.  I’m always rugged up and am still cold!!! I always make sure Billy is warm and rugged up too! I put jackets on him and snuggle him in under blankets…

How Often Should I Wash My Dog?

As a groomer I get asked this question a lot!  How often should I wash my dog?  I find some people are washing their dog too frequently and others probably not enough. Then other factors come into play such as a super itchy dog, a dog with really dry skin…