Hey Woofa’s, I find some people hesitate when it comes to Rescue Dogs because they don’t know their back ground therefore they don’t know what they’re going to get!!! The same could be said for people, but we take the time to get to know that…
Hey Woofa’s, Today’s topic is one very close to my heart. A few weeks ago all through our news feeds was a tragic story about a little 12 month old girl called Kamillah. She lost her life after being attacked by a ‘Rottweiler’ dog. Yes I believe the…
Hey Woofa’s, I’m starting a series of Interviews with Dog Owners. I want to give you first hand experiences about owning specific breeds, or dogs with special needs etc. What better way to understand than to get it straight from the owner? Interviews so far are: Chopper The…
Hey Woofa’s, Part of my work is dealing with dog hair each and every work day. For every dog owner I think it’s important to know and understand your dog’s hair. What stages does your dog’s hair go through, what can your dog’s hair tell…
Hey Woofa’s, A lot of dogs I’ve come across lately are itchy, and it is driving their owners bonkers!!! I know the minute Billy starts scratching like crazy and then biting his tail, that he has a flea. It only takes 1 for him to go crazy because…
Hey There Woofa’s, It’s stinking hot in Australia today (45 degrees aka 113 fahrenheit) and everyone is fighting to stay cool. Something to be aware of in this weather are SNAKES. I recently saw a Facebook picture of a Red Bellied Black Snake in the carpark of a…
Wow just when you thought the festivities were winding down, they pick right back up again. Can you believe we’re close to saying goodbye to 2017 and to Welcoming 2018? Whether you’re going out or saying in this New Year’s Eve the all important question is – How…
Hey There Woofas, the festive season is upon us!!! Are you all organised and ready to go or are you the last minute type? In my family we take turns in hosting Christmas Day and this year it’s our turn. I’m looking forward to catching up with everyone…
Hey Woofa’s, Today’s topic is a little crappy……yes pun intended. My question to you is, ‘How Well Do You Know Your Dog’s Poo’? It may be considered a gross topic but it’s really important to know your dog’s toilet behaviour as well as the…
You’ve got the time, you’ve got the money, you’ve got the destination…….the only thing stopping you is the puppy dog eyes looking up at you!!!!!! Dean and I recently returned from a Cruising holiday to Tasmania! Which was awesome!!! The only issue I had (& always…