Hey Woofa’s, Today we’re getting to the bottom of things!! Picture this – you’re serving guests the scrumptious dinner you’ve been slaving over all day. Just as you’re about to chow down, your dog comes in dragging it’s butt along the carpet!!!! GROSS!!!! WHAT IS…
Hey Woofa’s, Last week’s post on how the Wolf Pack communicate, AGAIN, took longer than what I expected! In this post we look at the last way Body Language! I was meant to cover all four ways in the one post, and now I’m on the 3rd…
Hey Woofa’s, Last week’s post on how the Wolf Pack communicate took longer than what I expected! I was meant to cover all four ways in the one post, boy did that get blown away! In case you aren’t aware, I’m looking into The Wolf Pack…
Hey Woofa’s, I’m on a bit of a mission with this whole Wolf Pack thing, I know! Hang in there with me. In order for us to understand how our dogs communicate we really do need to go back to the very beginning. When you think about it…
Hey Woofa’s, No I’m not talking about the Wolf Pack in Twilight……..although they were pretty yummy!!!! In last week’s blog post, ‘Where Does My Dog Come From‘, we established that it’s highly likely Dogs descended from Wolves. Over millions of years and different geographical locations…
Hey Woofa’s, Have you ever wondered Where Does My Dog Come From? As a Groomer I am lucky to work with many pampered dogs. I’m always having conversations about why dogs do what they do. I’m constantly looking at Billy’s behaviour and trying to figure him…
Hey Woofa’s, Training your dog at any age takes Time, Patience and Persistence!! And YES you can train any dog at any age! The saying, ‘You Can’t Teach An Old Dog New Tricks’ is a myth. We’ve been working on desensitisation training with Billy for when he…
Hey Woofa’s, I can’t ignore it any longer Winter is almost here. : ( This weekend the temperatures have dropped (for Australia) and I’m not happy. As I type this it’s 7 degrees outside, its raining and the wind is howling. Billy is curled up in his ‘computer…
Hey Woofa’s, Following on from my post on What’s Dognitive Therapy? I thought I’d ask How Well Do You Know Your Dog? I believe it’s really important to know your dog, what their triggers are, how they interact with other people and other dogs etc. We…
Hey Woofa’s, Have you ever thought, ‘To Change Your Dog’s Behaviour, First You Must Change Your Own?‘ Just sit on that thought for a while and see where it takes you! I’m a self confessed book NERD!!! I can’t go by any store that has books…