Hey Woofa’s, I follow quite a few dog pages on Facebook – as you do! Sometimes this can be a good thing and sometimes not so good. Especially when people are giving advice to others and it’s not great advice! I find in this day and age EVERYONE seems…
Hey Woofa’s, Anyone who knows me, knows I’m not a fan of winter. I stack on the layers of clothes and I stack on layers of blankets and doonas. I also stack on the blankets for Billy as well. He’s 11 now and I don’t want…
Hey Woofa’s, Winter is definitely here. Some days are a bit cooler than others. I’m a person who feels the cold! I feel it in my bones and it makes it hard to warm up. For some of us this can make it difficult for us to move…
Hey Woofa’s, I have a lot of people telling me how annoying it is when they take their dog for a walk and all the dog wants to do is sniff and pee! Billy does this when we go walking with him and I don’t think it’s…
Hey Woofa’s, Getting your dog’s teeth cleaned at the Vet seems to be a popular thing these days. I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with this! However when I was younger and we had dogs this was unheard of. Nor did we ever clean our dog…
Hey Woofa’s, While I don’t have any children of my own, it pains me when I hear a story either via other people or in the news that a dog has mauled a child!!! It’s gut wrenching! I always wonder though HOW the hell that situation came…
Hey Woofa’s, It’s that time of year where we bring a tree (whether real or artificial) into our homes and decorate it with ornaments, tinsel and lights. And then we tell our dogs to stay away from it!!! WTF?? Christmas trees can be very attractive and irresistible to…
Hey Woofa’s, Another thing to think about leading into Christmas is – Should I get Santa Pics for my dog? Many people line up for Santa pics with their kids, but some also do this for their dog. We did it back in 2017, it was fun at the time…
Hey Woofa’s, Winter this year in Sydney, NSW has hit with a vengeance : 0 Anyone who knows me knows I don’t like cold weather. If it’s cold I prefer to be inside by the log fire or in a nice warm bed with a mountain of blankets…
Hey Woofa’s, I’m at the point lately where I want to scream – PLEASE PUT YOUR DOG ON A LEAD – every time we take Billy for a walk. We walk him down to our local Duck Pond, we do 1-2 laps and come back, all up it can…