I recently interviewed my friend who owns Chopper my reasoning behind this was to give you a first hand idea of what it’s like having a fur baby in an apartment. HOW CUTE IS CHOPPER?? 1. Living in an apartment, what made you decide on getting a dog? The…
Now we know that , yes we do have to restrain our fur babies from distracting the driver, how do we go about this and what do we use? I prefer not to put Billy in the front passenger seat of the RAV4 purely because of the air bags and he…
Did you know that, according to RSPCA statistics, around 5,000 dogs are either injured or killed in motor vehicle accidents per year? How bad is that? I was gobsmacked when I read that and thought hhmmm just what are the laws regarding restraining your dog in the car? My…
I’m not sure what the weather is doing right now where you are but here in Australia it’s heating up, right up to 40 plus degrees (104 farenheit)!!!!! This brings my attention to the importance of keeping our fur babies cool this summer, whether they are inside or…