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Category: Dog Behaviour

The Love & Comfort That Comes From Your Dog In Trying Times!

Hey Woofa’s, I’ve had a very trying 5 weeks with my family recently. My 78 year old father tripped and took a bad fall, he pretty much crash tackled the wall making a hole in the gyprock!!! And being as stubborn as what he is it took him…

Watch Out Mushrooms Are About?

Hey Woofa’s, What I mean by this is – we’ve had a lot of rain lately where I live! And I’ve noticed little mushrooms growing in our lawn both out the front and the backyard! This concerns me because not only for Billy but also my customer’s…

Why It’s Not Okay To Let Your Dog Off Lead In A Non-Off Lead Area?

Hey Woofa’s, This is a topic close to my heart! I really find it arrogant behaviour when people have their dogs off lead in a non-off lead area. Why? Because their dog might be all happy and running around, but there are other dogs that are walking on…

Dog Park Pros and Cons!

Hey Woofa’s, I’ve personally never taken any of my dogs to a dog park! Because I’ve only ever owned Staffordshire Bull Terriers and they get shamed A LOT! As well as I just don’t trust the other dog owners. Mostly because the ones I’ve seen…

What Happens At A Canine Bowen Therapy Session?

Hey Woofa’s If you’re not sure what Canine Bowen Therapy is – Click Here! My previous post talked about – ‘What is Canine Bowen Therapy and How Can It Help My Dog?’ Here I’d like to talk about what happens at a Canine Bowen Therapy Session. Why?  Because I…

What Is Canine Bowen Therapy & How Can It Help My Dog?

Hey Woofa’s, I’ve been a Certified Canine Bowen Therapist since 1st June, 2020! I have treated dogs over the years and actually helped them with their ailments. Including Billy! Billy did both his ACL’s (Anterior Cruciate Ligament) in August 2022! Using Canine Bowen Therapy alongside other healing…

12 Beach Safety Tips For Your Dog!

Hey Woofa’s We had an awesome day at the beach yesterday! It was 40 degrees and stifling hot but the ocean water was lovely to cool down in. What I noticed was, where we were there were many dogs running around having a ball. Inside and outside of the…

New Law For 2024 In UK Banning XL Bully Breeds – WTF?

Hey Woofa’s, To say I’m appalled by the UK’s decision passing a law to ban XL Bully Breeds is an understatement. In case you didn’t already know – As at 31st December 2023 in the UK it is against the law to – sell an XL Bully dog…

Why It’s Important To Pay Attention While Out Walking Your Dog?

Hey Woofa’s, It’s nice to get out and about and go for a walk with your dog. Admittedly, we haven’t been out recently because our weather is all over the place. I’m not a fan of walking when it’s cold. Anyway, when it is nice…

Why Is My Dog Itchy?

Hey Woofa’s, I’ve seen some itchy dogs lately whose owners are beside themselves as to what to do about it. The first thing I go to is the weather! Is it a change of season thing?  Especially going into spring, flowers are in bloom and there’s grass…