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Category: Blog Tales

12 Ways To Keep Your Dog Safe This Summer!

Hey Woofa’s, Australia is finally starting to heat up – yay.  We’re 2.5 weeks away from summer and today we’ve already hit our hottest day for November since 2015!!! While I LOVE summer, I also know it comes with some dangers. However, if we’re all aware…

What To Do With Your Dog’s Poo?

Hey Woofa’s, I was doing Billy’s poo pick up the other day- such a fun job! It got me wondering what everyone else does with their dog’s poo? I’ve had dogs most of my life so I’ve picked up my fair share of it. My…

Have You Checked Your Dog’s Collar Recently?

Hey Woofa’s, In all my years of grooming, I’ve seen a lot of dog collars in my time. While some are great, others have been questionable. Let’s face it dog collars aren’t something we give much attention to.   Unless your dog is a fashionista that is…

Should My Dog Wear A Coat For Winter?

Hey Woofa’s, I’ve been getting a lot of dogs in my Grooming Salon of late that are matted! When talking to the owner the case is usually that their dog has had a coat on. It’s winter here right now and it does get cold.  So, yes…

Happy 8th Birthday Billy!

Hey Woofa’s, Wow another year has flown by?   Happy 8th Birthday My Billy Boy!   We’re in such an uncertain and strange time at the moment with the Coronoavirus a.k.a (Covid-19) epidemic, I was saying how it seems like it’s something out of a movie…

Can My Dog Get Coronavirus?

Hey Woofa’s, I don’t know about where you are, but the news of the spread of Coronavirus has caused some Aussies to lose the plot. They are hoarding toilet paper, they are getting violent over toilet paper, they have lost the plot!!!! What has the Coronavirus got to…

Tips On Keeping Your Dog Cool This Summer!

Hey Woofa’s, Our temperatures, they are rising people, more and more!   This summer our highest temperature so far has been 48 degrees!!!! Now I’m one who LOVES the warmer weather (hate the fires that have burnt our Country though) so I’m by no means complaining, however I…

How To Keep Your Dog Safe During This Burning Hot Summer!

Hey Woofa’s, In case you weren’t aware, Australia has been on fire for a few months now!   Towns all over have burnt to the ground and it’s devastating!  People have lost lives, their homes and their pets and livestock, the scenes we are watching are from a…

Gift Idea’s For The Dog Father In Your Life!

Hey Woofa’s, Father’s Day is fast approaching, as in IT’S THIS SUNDAY!!!!!  If your dad is like mine, he tells me not to get him anything!!!!  He’s got everything!!!! I don’t listen to him though, I always manage to figure out what to buy him…

2019 Sydney Dog Lovers Show!!!

Hey Woofa’s, Dean and I attended the 2019 Sydney Dog Lovers Show last Saturday, and we had a blast! There was so much to see and do, being the nerd I am I hit the program so we didn’t miss out on anything! The local Channel 9 Weekend…