Hey Woofa’s We had an awesome day at the beach yesterday! It was 40 degrees and stifling hot but the ocean water was lovely to cool down in. What I noticed was, where we were there were many dogs running around having a ball. Inside and outside of…
Hey Woofa’s It’s been known for a little while now that some dogs in our local area have caught Canine Parvovirus, aka CPV. Our local Animal Care Facility had to close it’s doors for a while because apparently it was found there. This seems…
Hey Woofa’s, To say I’m appalled by the UK’s decision passing a law to ban XL Bully Breeds is an understatement. In case you didn’t already know – As at 31st December 2023 in the UK it is against the law to…
Hey Woofa’s, Ticks can be found all over the continent. It’s a good idea to become familiar with the ticks in your Country as well as the area in which you live. Some ticks can affect people and others can affect our pets. Certain ticks can…
Hey Woofa’s, Can you believe it’s almost Halloween time? In Australia you’ll get some people who are right into Halloween and those who can’t be bothered!!!! ANYWAY, I do get involved with Halloween. I love it. AND I do get excited when…
Hey Woofa’s, Kangaroos are on Australia’s National Emblem our Coat of Arms! I’ve been to zoos and places where you can feed Kangaroos and have never felt threatened by one. Who would’ve thought they would be capable of taking our dogs?? Now…
Hey Woofa’s, I’ve been speaking with a few customers recently (and in the past) where for whatever reason they’ve had to take their dogs to the Vet. Nothing wrong with this, this is what you do when something is up with your dog. Or…
Hey Woofa’s, Spring is here and our weather is warming up. Which means we want to spend more time outside – well I do anyway! And where I go Billy tends to follow. He’ll lay on the lawn or nearby while Dean and I are in…
Hey Woofa’s, With the weather finally starting to warm up one thing us Aussies have to watch out for are SNAKES. Snakes (and other reptiles) are coming out of hibernation now that the weather is warmer (as am I – I always say I was either a bear…
Hey Woofa’s, As a Dog Lover (from way back) and a Dog Groomer I’m lucky to cross paths with many different dog owners. I get to talk about dogs a lot and I love it. A question that’s risen lately is around Veterinarians and…