Hey Woofa’s, At times it can be really confusing and difficult to figure out what to feed your dog – no matter what age they are. For years I would make up Billy’s food with raw mince and cooked mashed veggies mixed in with it. Then he would have…
Hey Woofa’s, I was just in my kitchen unstacking the dishwasher, wiping the bench down and doing a general clean, when I looked over and saw Billy licking profusely at his food dishes. He was trying to clean his dishes as well, such a good boy! I did have…
Hey Woofa’s, One more sleep!!!!! Everyone should pretty much know by now what they’re doing for Christmas Day! So if your hosting, then you need to know what Christmas food is safe for your dog. The last thing anyone needs is an emergency rush to the veterinarian on…
Hey Woofa’s, I’ve been meaning to write this post about Billy G’s Gourmet Cookie Dough since Billy’s Birthday back in April : O I know, I know, we’re now in June, I got side tracked. Better late than never I say!! I wanted to share Billy…
Hey Woofa’s, Easter is fast approaching and I’m one of those weird people who does not like Easter Eggs!!! Shock horror I know, right! However, Dean would eat them til the 12th of never……………. And every time Dean eats chocolate, Billy is right there drooling on the floor…
Hey Woofa’s, Our weather is starting to warm up, finally! Spring is in the air……yay! This means our water intake will start to increase, and it’s no different for our pets. Our dogs need a healthy intake of water as well. However, they rely solely on us…
Hey Woofa’s, Working as a Dog Groomer I’m surrounded by Dog People. Dog People love their dogs, obviously : ) We’re always talking about what people do that works for their dog. It’s a great way to network ideas. Recently I got talking to a customer who asked…
Hey Woofa’s, It has come to my attention recently that owners of Black Hawk Dog Food Brand have done a voluntary recall! Some of their products that were manufactured last year have resulted in the development of mould. Black Hawk reports that there have been no records to date…
Hey Woofa’s, As promised, here is the recipe for Billy’s Birthday Cup Cakes! Not too bad for someone who isn’t a foodie. Thankfully Billy isn’t fussy in his eating. We’ve been giving Billy a cupcake after his dinner each night, as a treat. He really…
Hey Woofa’s, I was having a conversation the other day (no surprises there) about whether Garlic is safe for our dogs or not! With all the information out there it’s really unclear as to whether or not our dog’s can have garlic. At the age of 7…