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Why It’s Important To Let Your Dog Chew!

Hey Woofa’s, Getting your dog’s teeth cleaned at the Vet seems to be a popular thing these days. I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with this!  However when I was younger and we had dogs this was unheard of. Nor did we…

Have You Taught Your Child Dog Etiquette?

Hey Woofa’s, While I don’t have any children of my own, it pains me when I hear a story either via other people or in the news that a dog has mauled a child!!! It’s gut wrenching! I always wonder though HOW the hell…

Have You Heard About Primal Prey K9 Nutrition?

Hey Woofa’s, At times it can be really confusing and difficult to figure out what to feed your dog – no matter what age they are. For years I would make up Billy’s food with raw mince and cooked mashed veggies mixed in with it. Then…

Is Your Dog Microchipped?

Hey Woofa’s, It’s crossed my path a lot since I’ve become a volunteer for Campbelltown Lost Found And Injured Pets! What’s that you ask?? That dogs (pets) are not microchipped. Read here if you want to know what Campbelltown Lost Found and…

Why Do I Need To Brush My Puppy?

Hey Woofa’s, I’ve had a few people mention to me lately that they have bought a puppy. Nothing wrong with that! However, when I ask what breed of puppy they bought, it’s always an ‘oodle breed!’ Now, again, nothing wrong with this…

Just Love On Your Dog This Valentine’s Day!

Hey Woofa’s, This Valentine’s Day I say – Just Love On Your Dog! Why do we have to run around madly trying to figure out what to buy the ‘new’ love in our life or the ‘old’ love in our life? Or…

What You Need To Know Before Buying An ‘Oodle’ Breed?

Hey Woofa’s, A few people I’ve spoken with lately have mentioned that they want to buy a dog. Nothing wrong with that, they’re people who have had dogs before so they know what they’re getting into. So I proceed to ask, &#8216…

Do You Spy On Your Dog While You’re Out?

Hey Woofa’s, Do you ever wonder what your dog is doing when you’re not home? What are they getting up to? Are they just lazying around the house or yard? Are they chewing on your stuff? How cute do they look? Worse still, are they still…

Happy Australia Day 2023!

Hey Woofa’s, Happy Australia Day 2023! I feel like this year is the first year (in a while) that we can go back to normal with our celebrations! That’s if you choose to celebrate! Life is starting to feel like the normal is back now (fingers crossed…

Have You Checked Your Dog’s Bowls Lately?

Hey Woofa’s, I was just in my kitchen unstacking the dishwasher, wiping the bench down and doing a general clean, when I looked over and saw Billy licking profusely at his food dishes. He was trying to clean his dishes as well, such a good boy! I did…