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Firstly, I’m not a foodie (person passionate about food),  all these cooking shows that constantly turn up on TV I’m really not interested, if it’s not being made for me to eat then I don’t want to know how it’s…

How ‘Universal Shoves’ Completely Changed My Career Path!!

    If someone said to me 20 years ago that (in 22 years time) I’d be running my own Dog Grooming Salon from home & writing a blog, I would’ve looked at them like they’d lost their marbles. My goal back then was…

Write like no one is Reading!!

    Ok, so I decided to start a blog!  Easy Peasy Right? Noooooo, not really, not for this technical challenged one!  Most things I’d read about blogging made it sound so easy to set up, (all you have to do is this or that and it&#8217…

Welcome All Fur Babies

  Hi There and Welcome to Woofalicious Tales, I decided to start this blog because I am told I can talk about dogs until ‘the cows come home’, when do they come home you ask? Well that’s it, no one knows really, so who knows when…