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Billy’s Friendly Dog Collar

Hey Woofa’s, It’s never too late to train your dog. It’s no secret that I mistook Billy’s anxiety as just being over excitement when we were out on walks. He jumps around and plays tug-o-war on his lead and half…

Malting Season & What It Means to Your Dog!

Hey Woofa’s, Yay Spring Time has finally begun in Australia, I love it!!! Although I can appreciate not everyone loves Spring because with it comes hay fever : ( Spring for our fur kids also means MALTING SEASON! If your dog’s malting hair isn’t taken care…

Why Does My Dog Butt Scoot?

Hey Woofa’s, Today we’re getting to the bottom of things!! Picture this  – you’re serving guests the scrumptious dinner you’ve been slaving over all day.  Just as you’re about to chow down, your dog comes in dragging it’s…

Doggie Spaghetti & Meat Balls!!

Hey Woofa’s, This week I thought I’d get a bit creative with Billy’s meal!!!!  I decided on Doggie Spaghetti & Meat Balls too see how he’d go. Well the IDEA of this dish went better in my head lol………&#8230…

Happy Dog Father’s Day!!!

Hey Woofa’s, Us Aussies like to celebrate Father’s Day on the first Sunday in September. I believe, it’s a day to celebrate all dads, even Dog Dads!! Billy will be waking up with his Dog Dad Dean and sharing some breakfast with him, before…

National Dog Day 2018!

Hey Woofa’s, National Dog Day is celebrated each year on 26th August, mainly in America. I’m ashamed to admit it but I did not know this day existed.  BUT I do now!!!  Better late than never I say!! This celebratory day originated in America and I…


Hey Woofa’s, This week I decided to do a Book Review on DOGS GONE BAD by Jack Russell!! DOGS GONE BAD was given to me as a Christmas Present by one of my lovely Henabel’s customers.  As an avid reader I usually have quite a few…

25 Things I Learnt From The Dog Lover’s Show!!!

Hey Woofa’s, Dean and I headed off to The Dog Lover’s Show on Saturday and I wasn’t disappointed.  We spent all day there!!! We got there a tad early and purchased our tickets at the door.  While we were waiting however, we were entertained…

One Pot Veggie & Mince Pasta!

Hey Woofa’s, This week I got a bit lazy and didn’t want to use too many pots for Billy’s dinner, so I decided too see how I’d go putting it all in one pot!!! I mean he’s not fussy and he…

How Does The Wolf Pack Communicate?

Hey Woofa’s, Last week’s post on how the Wolf Pack communicate, AGAIN, took longer than what I expected! In this post we look at the last way Body Language! I was meant to cover all four ways in the one post, and now I’m…