Hey Woofa’s, I found a sore under Billy’s arm the other day and I grabbed the jar of Lucas’ Paw Paw ointment! As I was applying it to his sore I wondered if I’d shared this little jar of goodness with you! Then…
Hey Woofa’s, Easter is fast approaching and I’m one of those weird people who is not fussed by Easter Eggs!!! Shock horror I know. Even as a kid I was never into the Easter Egg Chocolate, my eggs were still in the fridge in June. My…
Hey Woofa’s, In case you can’t tell by the title Billy turned 7 on Saturday. I can’t believe how fast the time has gone, I remember him running around and peeing everywhere and barking at himself in the mirror as a tiny puppy. Now…
Hey Woofa’s, As promised, here is the recipe for Billy’s Birthday Cup Cakes! Not too bad for someone who isn’t a foodie. Thankfully Billy isn’t fussy in his eating.  …
Hey Woofa’s, I was having a conversation the other day (no surprises there) about whether Garlic is safe for our dogs or not! With all the information out there it’s really unclear as to whether or not our dog’s can have garlic. At the…
Hey Woofa’s, I saw this saying the other day and it screamed out at me! If you don’t train them don’t blame them. It related to dogs, obviously, but really it could relate to anyone. How are you meant to know how to do…
Hey Woofa’s, I was chatting to a customer a few weeks ago who told me they were moving house. I asked whether she had prepared her dogs for the move! She wasn’t quite sure what I was talking about. I mentioned how important it is to…
Hey Woofa’s, I was speaking with a customer recently who told me her dog hasn’t been the same since he lost his partner. Tyrone and Tarsha (pictured above) grew up together and just before Christmas Tarsha passed away. Tyrone’s owner told me he’…
Hey Woofa’s, Today I want to take some time to talk about Treat Balls! We use one for Billy and he loves it. He took to it right away and he uses it everyday. Treat balls can be used for a few different reasons but the concept is…
Hey Woofa’s, Have you ever looked up Dog Shaming on the net? Did you sit and laugh at the sad dog faces and what they were guilty of? I have!!! This week I can add Billy to that list!!!!! Our Dear Mr Billy has been causing all this…